Thinking about a new kitchen or revamping your old one, then the Quooker tap is a must.
There are a few models you can choose from, these include; the fusion and the new flexi hose tap which gives you 100% boiling, hot and cold water from the same tap, or you could choose a separate boiling tap. These taps come in 8 different designs and 3 finishes, they are superbly efficient and ultra-safe.
The high vacuum insulation of the Quooker’s standby usage, is just 3 pence a day. For even more amazing efficiency choose a COMBI tank, a single economical way to produce both hot and boiling water.


We also sell a range of Frankie taps.

EcoWater ERO 375 Reverse Osmosis drinking water purifier

How it works
This reverse osmosis drinking water purifier works by extreme filtration, this means that the RO (Reverse Osmosis) system will remove around 95% of dissolved solids that is in the water, then this is sent through a semi permeable membrane, whilst the dissolved solids will be sent down the drain.
This process provides you with superior water filtration, because the RO system uses active carbon cartridges that improves the overall taste of the water.
The filtered water is stored in a tank which provides you with fresh water when needed, there is also an electronic version of this which will tell you when the membrane and filters need changing.
With this process there will be some waste water sent to drain
How it works.
The Eco-Fresh drinking filter is advanced carbon and phosphate filter. This has a patented design that makes the filtering consistent.
Has an easy twist on and off cartridges without the need to turn the water off.
What it does.
The Eco-Fresh Filter will reduce the amount of limescale build up in household essentials (i.e. kettle)
The filter will also remove odours as well as providing you with clear fresh water.

Free no-obligation quote
For a friendly chat and a free, no-obligation quote on the Taps and Filters range of water softeners. please get in touch today. Call Adrian or Jackie on 01440713095 or 07856775060.
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